Selecting the Right B2B SaaS Pricing Strategy for Maximum Value

choosing the right b2b saas pricing strategy

The right B2B SaaS pricing strategy is critical to achieving success in the ever-changing world of B2B SaaS. Adopting the right pricing strategy and price point can significantly impact both customer satisfaction and your company’s bottom line. This article will delve into the key trends in B2B SaaS pricing, explore the shift towards value-based pricing, and provide a step-by-step guide to developing a successful pricing strategy. 


Choosing the Best B2B SaaS Pricing Strategy for Your Company 

The question of how to develop a saas pricing model plays a pivotal role in determining a company’s success. Each strategy has its  benefits and drawbacks, and understanding these pros and cons can help you choose the approach that best aligns with your business goals and customer needs. Let’s look at five common B2B SaaS pricing examples: value-based pricing, cost-based pricing, competitor-based pricing, penetration pricing, and freemium pricing. 


Value-Based Pricing 

 Value-based pricing bases prices on the product’s perceived value to the customer. This strategy aligns the price more closely with the customer’s willingness to pay, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Value-based pricing requires a deep understanding of your customers and your product value, which can be challenging for some companies to identify and articulate. It also requires a more consultative and patient sales approach, which can lengthen the sales cycle. 


Cost-Based Pricing 

Cost-based pricing is a traditional strategy in which prices are set based on the cost of production plus a markup for profit. This straightforward approach ensures that all expenses are covered, providing a clear path to profitability. However, it doesn’t consider the product’s perceived value to the customer, which can lead to underpricing or overpricing. It also leaves little room for flexibility in response to market changes or competitive pressures. 


Competitor-Based Pricing 

Competitor-based pricing involves setting prices based on what other companies charge for similar products. This strategy can be effective in tight markets where price is a key differentiator. However, it assumes that competitors have correctly priced their products, which may not always be the case. It also doesn’t consider your product’s unique value, which could allow you to charge a premium. 


Penetration Pricing 

Penetration pricing involves setting a low initial price to attract customers and gain market share quickly. This can be an effective strategy for new entrants in a competitive market. However, it creates a dynamic in which raising prices later can alienate customers. It also risks devaluing the product in customers’ eyes, making it harder to charge a premium in the future. 


Freemium Pricing 

Freemium pricing offers a free basic version of the product, with premium features available for a fee. This strategy can attract a large user base and provide a low-risk way for customers to try the product. However, it can be challenging to convert free users to paid users. It also risks undervaluing the product if the free version meets most customer needs. 

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

– Warren Buffet 


man analyzing data


Understanding the Shift to Value-Based Pricing 

Traditionally, companies have selected a B2B SaaS pricing strategy for their products based on the number of features they offer. While straightforward, this feature-centric approach often overlooks the actual value these features bring to customers. Today’s trend is a shift toward value-based pricing, where prices are set based on the product’s perceived value to the customer. As discussed above, this approach aligns the price more closely with the customer’s willingness to pay, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. But what does this mean in practice? It means that instead of pricing based on the cost of production or the market average, companies need to explore, understand, and explain the economic value their product brings to customers. This might be time saved, increased productivity, or other tangible or intangible benefits that customers can expect from adopting the platform. 


Overcoming Obstacles in B2B SaaS Pricing 

A key difference in pricing B2B SaaS vs B2C SaaS is that, unlike B2C SaaS, B2B SaaS products typically involve long sales cycles and numerous decision-makers, each with their own set of expectations and requirements. This complexity can slow down the sales process and make it more difficult for companies to close deals. To overcome this obstacle, companies must create a B2B SaaS pricing strategy that ensures their prices are transparent and easily understood, reducing the time and effort required for decision-makers to evaluate their products. This might involve creating clear pricing tiers, offering flexible pricing options, or providing detailed explanations of how the pricing structure works. It’s also important to keep in mind that the decision-makers in B2B purchases are often different from the end users, so the value proposition needs to be communicated effectively to both groups. 

“Pricing is the exchange rate you put on all the tangible and intangible aspects of your business. Value for cash.”

– ProfitWell Founder and CEO Patrick Campbell 


A Five-Step Guide to B2B SaaS Pricing Strategy 

Developing a successful B2B SaaS pricing strategy involves five key steps. Here is a guide to help you navigate this process: 


1. Understand Your Customer:

Start by developing a detailed ideal customer persona (ICP). This should include information about the customer’s willingness to pay for certain features, their lifetime value, and the cost of selling to them. This will help you understand what your customers value most about your product and how much they are willing to pay for it. 


2. Determine the Value of Your Product:

Evaluate the value your product provides to the customer. This involves understanding the specific problems your product solves for the customer and the benefits they derive from using it. This might involve conducting customer interviews, surveys, or other forms of market research. 


3. Set Your Pricing Strategy:

Decide on a pricing strategy based on your understanding of the customer and the value of your product. This could be value-based pricing, where the price is set based on the perceived value of the product to the customer, or it could be a different pricing model that better suits your business.  


4. Test Your Pricing Strategy:

Once you’ve set your pricing strategy, test it with a small group of customers. This will allow you to gather feedback and adjust before rolling it out to all your customers. You could do this through A/B testing, where you offer different prices to different groups of customers and see which price point performs better. 


5. Review and Adjust Regularly:

Pricing is not a one-time decision. Your price point and even your pricing strategy should be reviewed and adjusted regularly based on changes in the market, customer feedback, and your company’s goals.  


By following these steps, you can develop a B2B SaaS pricing strategy that aligns with your customers perceived value of your product, leading to increased revenue and higher figures when you calculate customer lifetime value. 


The Future of B2B SaaS Pricing 

The B2B SaaS industry is moving towards more value-centric B2B SaaS pricing strategies. While this approach presents challenges, it also offers opportunities for companies to align their prices with customer value, improve customer satisfaction, and drive business growth. As the industry continues to evolve, companies that can effectively navigate these changes and adapt their pricing strategies accordingly will be well-positioned for success. 


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Author Profile
Abhi Jadhav
Abhi Jadhav is the head chef at Bay Leaf Digital. His primary goal includes driving value for all clients by ensuring learnings and best practices are shared across the company. When not brainstorming on client goals, Abhi focuses on growing the agency at a sustainable pace while making it a fun, collaborative, and learning environment for all team members. In his spare time, you can find Abhi at a local Camp Gladiator workout or on an evening run.