Case Study

100s of Leads in 6 Months: B2B SaaS Lead Generation on Meta

Type of SaaS

Environmental Asset Management SaaS


Public and private natural resource management.

Services Provided

Lead generation; Meta (Facebook and Instagram) PPC advertising. 

The Company

An integrative approach to environmental asset management for local governments and nonprofits is one company’s key to success. Municipalities and nonprofit organizations use their innovative platform to create actionable plans and make data-driven decisions based on advanced reporting and GIS-based asset visualizationThiholistic approach supports delivers measurable outcomes that help environmental programs meet and exceed their goals, creating healthier communities with more green spaces. Company leadership asked us to help with B2B SaaS lead generation.

The Challenge

B2B SaaS lead generation challenges

As they launched a drive for new users, the company faced numerous obstacles:

Leadership was aiming for an overall goal of new customer acquisition even as the marketing team worked with a very limited digital ad budget.

A lack of funding and resources often slowed momentum and as marketing targeted a highly specific audience.

An absence of content level data created frequent delays.

The company’s product solves a complex problem. Communicating its value in just a few hundred characters was difficult and multiple touches were needed to educate prospects and move them down the sales funnel.

The company’s CRM and workflows needed an audit to update and ensure new leads were going though marketing and sales nurtures.

The Solution

In-Depth Analysis to Find Strategic Opportunities

B2B SaaS lead generation

Always metric-minded, we began by analyzing past digital ad performance. The data revealed that, while Google Ads performed well in terms of direct and influenced revenue, Meta reached a broader audience – not only those searching for branded and bottom of the funnel keywords. It would be the most effective channel for actively engaging and attracting contacts moving forward.

We quickly developed and optimized a strategy to leverage its value by promoting brand awareness, educational assets, and webinars for the local government officials and nonprofit professionals who serve as pivotal decision makers for environmental programs. Our detailed, interest-based research supported custom audience targeting to match the company’s ideal persona.

Data enrichment further refined leads and provided missing company level data that the sales teams leveraged for better outreach.

The Results

Accelerated Qualified Lead Generation

Our multifaceted approach to B2B SaaS lead generation yielded more qualified leads at a lower cost than the company had previously been able to generate independently.

B2B SaaS lead generation solutions

Webinars were more successful. Registration numbers went up, as did attendance, reaching 37% and hitting a commonly accepted (but rarely achieved!) industry benchmark. Overall, webinars produced 450X more leads for the client than in the previous six months and 71% of those webinar leads were directly attributable to Meta ads.

Cost per Lead went down. Meta advertising yielded direct and indirect results. New clients came on board at a 93% lower cost per lead than previous efforts on other channels.

Digital asset promotion was more successful. Over three quarters, advertising a free guide on Meta outlets generated approximately 3X more leads than using LinkedIn during the same time period.

In part as a result of our efforts, the company embarked on relationships with seven new clients in only six months, a remarkable figure for a small, niche product with a very small advertising budget.

In just six months, the company saw:

Increase in leads
0 x
Decrease in CPL
73 %
More webinar leads
420 x

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